As a follow-up to the 7 Day Transformational Journey, Kundalini Yoga Meditation is taught (optional) for: Peace & Clarity of Mind, Sound Health and to discover the Divinity Within.
There are three initiations in Kundalini Yoga Meditation which are given upon completion of the 7 Day Transformational Journey. The third eye spot (Ajna Chakra) and the Crown (Sahasrara Chakra) will be activated spanning over a period of 3 – 4 weeks, which will be imparted to you by Gnanavallal Paranjothi Subramaniam.
Once these chakras are awakened, there will be a throbbing sensation whenever we bring our thought to the respective areas. This enables one to meditate with focus enabling one to go inward with ‘uninterrupted fixation’.
The natural sensation helps one to meditate anywhere and anytime. Consistency, Perseverance and Faith in the practice will bring one to higher Levels of Consciousness: Wisdom and SELF Realisation will follow.
Divine Revelations occur at the Crown (Sahasrara Chakra) while Divine Cognition occurs at the third eye spot (Ajna Chakra).
Conversations with Guru Paranjothi Subramanium
Who is a Guru?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam defines who is a ‘Guru’. A ‘Guru’ in his words is one who dispels darkness of ignorance and ignites the light of the wisdom. An individual scales to a higher dimension of life with the Guru’s philosophical insights, leaving his ignorant self behind. The enlightened individual progressively transcends social conditioning and sees the ‘truth’ as it is.
What is Emotional Attachment?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam sheds light on the emotional attachment in our day-to-day life that often leaves us drained and disappointed. He explains the human intellect is trapped in an illusion of certainty and the original intention of the human birth is forgotten as one progresses through the various life’s stages; This ‘entrapment’ results in an unfulfilled and incomplete self. He propounds that with philosophical insights on attachment, one can be “attached yet detached.”
Human Birth – Uniqueness
Referring to the Tamil poem by Sage Avvai, “It is a rare privilege to have taken the human birth.” Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam explains that the human being from birth is intertwined in a ‘divine play’ and his intellectual faculty assists him to discover and uncover the mystery of the human birth.
What is Karma?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam posits that any unfulfilled desires or actions at the time of a person’s death constitutes Karma. Does this mean Karma is an accumulation of negative entity? Watch this video for more insights on Karma from Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam.
What is Spirituality?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam clarifies what is spirituality – by defining the inner and intellectual aspects of spirituality from the physical and external aspects of spirituality. Spirituality strengthens the psyche, empowers individuals with awareness and knowledge to realize the philosophy of life. When one is into spirituality – through awareness and meditating consistently, he or she may then feel complete and fulfilled in life.
What is Enlightenment?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam offers a simple yet profound explanation to the concept of ‘Enlightenment’. He explains that when an individual experiences Enlightenment – ultimate freedom – is when one is at peace with his or her self and is especially not confined by emotional attachments.
What is “Ultimate” to an individual?
The ‘Ultimate’ for an individual is to be free; to have the freedom to do what he or she wants, shares Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam. However he points out that one must also be conscious of the ethics and ‘laws of the day’.
Should we attempt to change others?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam answers the question candidly yet starkly that ‘it is a hopeless endeavour’ to attempt to change anyone. He reminds individuals to live by the attributes of compassion; and that acceptance is key for seeing goodness in a person and the ability to accept a person for what he or she is.
The UNCONSCIOUS MIND: What is the “Dark Side” of the human psyche?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam sheds light on the ‘Dark Side’ of the human psyche – The disowned aspects (negative thoughts and actions) of an individual that seeks a hiding place in the unconscious mind (a reservoir of psychological material that could have been once conscious but has since been forgotten or suppressed) when recognition and acceptance is not accorded to one’s negative attributes.
He also briefly shares on how we can approach the Dance of Opposites – understanding the dual nature of ourselves and existence in order to manifest wholeness.
The UNCONSCIOUS MIND: Coming to terms with disowned aspects
Romancing the unconscious and satisfying the unfulfilled desires is an eventuality, posits Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam. But one has to orchestrate the fulfillment with diplomacy, mindful of the potential emotional hurt these cautions could cause.
What would a Guru like yourself wish for your disciples?
An enlightened disciple emanates the Guru but does not necessarily becomes one. He or she is a psychologically strengthened individual who is not bound by restrictions and limitations in fulfilling his or her intentions.
Is Meditation the best tool for journeying within?
Guru Paranjothi Subramaniam explains that the intention for mediation is to get in tune with the core, the primordial essence or the divinity and to get rid of the ego that is operating within each individual.
Interested to learn more, look further.